Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcome Step-mammas!

To my stepmom readers, WELCOME! I am beyond excited to get to know all of you and join the community. Before I get further into this addiction we call blogging, I feel the need to clarify a few things. I promise it will be short and sweet. :)

As I mentioned in my about post found here, I view stepmotherhood as a vocation and blessing. I believe that part of my purpose in life is to love Miss A with my whole heart, just as any mother would naturally do. The joys I receive are numerous and I would not change anything about my life.

That being said, I also recognize that our roles as stepmothers presents many challenges. Trust me, I have plenty of struggles. However, I do not wish to make this a place where stepmothers focus on the drama. I want this to be a positive yet REAL blog for me and you to share our experiences, joys, and struggles. 

 I would also like you to remember that although we have our role as stepmothers in common, every situation is unique as we all have different stepchildren and spouses. Each one of our stories is unlike the other. Lets always be supportive of that!  Lastly, remember that I am no expert! Heavens no! I have so much to learn yet. So when I share my tips I do so in hopes that they will help you in some way. 

So please leave a comment below or message me introducing yourself! I want to get to know all of you!

And for a little Saturday Inspiration....

P.S. I hope I remember this in Walmart today. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marybeth! I came across your twitter page and saw you were a blogger as well as a fellow stepmom! Awesome! I've been married to my husband Michael for a year and am stepmom to 2 boys! I can't wait to talk and get to know you! Please go check out my blog, til Death Do Us Part :)
